Monday, November 29, 2010

Catchin' Up

Well, it's been a while since the last post. The reason? No more internet at our house for now. I'm only able to get on every once in a while when I go to the base library. So, to catch up from last time...

I actually DID get some things done from that list I posted last week! I cleaned up all the closets except the entry way closet (which is always in a state of disarray), and got it all organized. It only took a day. Not even that because I was able to do other household chores as well. I also began to learn how to crochet. I discovered it's actually very easy to remember all the stitches, how to turn your work, and such things as that, but I'm struggling with keeping my tension even. Every attempt I've made so far at making a scarf has been ditched, because it starts looking more like a triangle than a rectangle when I've worked several rows. Very frustrating. But I have one lesson left, hopefully she'll be able to show me strategies on keeping my tension even.

Last week was quite interesting. Many states in the lower 48 stay home from work and school because of a snow storm. Alaska apparently shuts down when there's RAIN. Last Monday, I was going to take the car for the day to go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, so I went to work with Scott and took the car from there. On the way towards the base gate, I hit a patch of ice and spun out. It was scary. I already don't like driving, but driving on very slippery, rainy ice is much worse. Praise God I didn't hit anyone, or even end up in the ditch (as many other cars were doing) although I almost set a whole line of cars swerving and spinning. I managed to get home after driving 35 mph on the highway all the way there, and decided it would not be wise to attempt driving again for the day. Fortunately, at about 11:00, Scott told me he was on his way home, and he ended up staying home for the whole Thanksgiving week! Definitely something to be thankful for. :) Everything shut down (except, fortunately, grocery stores) and it ended up being a great week.

Thanksgiving was very enjoyable. The house was all clean, I'd prepared most of the dishes the day before, and the house smelled good with the cooking turkey. It was my first one and it actually turned out very well! Thanks, Mom, and other ladies out here for all their tips. We had another couple over and enjoyed fellowship, homemade pies, English tea, Mexican train, and a movie. All in all, a wonderful first Thanksgiving as a married couple. We have so much to be grateful for.

And that sums up the week and brings me to today. I must comment again on the weather. It is now -16 degrees outside. I made the discovery that touching metal with your bare hands in that kind of cold is NOT a good idea. Everything hurt when I touched it for a while after that. And my thumb is all red and blotchy now and was stinging for a while. I think I've FINALLY learned my lesson about always having gloves handy. Also, every time I walk outside, my nose hairs curl, I feel like sneezing or coughing when I breathe that air in, and I also get a brain freeze just by walking for a few minutes. It's very entertaining. :)

That's it for now, nothing deep or reaching, just daily life for the Mathews family in Alaska.

All for His glory,

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