Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good things

James 1:17

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

Yesterday was busy and full with preparing for a folk dance. Then in the evening we danced. I was spun around, nearly fell over a dozen times, laughed quite often, and I've been a little achy all day. Truly signs of a good folk dance.

Today we got up and out the door much to early for a Saturday and watched the Armed Forces Day parade. But it was well worth it. After the parade was lunch and then off to shopping with my sister. So after being away from the house for nearly 11 hours with a brief stop over at home I was glad to get home and listen to a bedtime story.

My family is reading through 100 Cupboards by N. D. Wilson. We are VERY behind in just reading it, but it's a great book so far. It has fantastic characters and is so fun to listen to.

It's now very late so I will stop writing. There is much more I could write about - game night at my parents; weekends away with the in-laws; trips to Seattle with my Hubby.

This whole trip has been one good thing after another.

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