Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer day in Alaska

Well, it's close to the end of June now, and it is currently cloudy and looking as though it is going to rain... again. It's been like this all month. I really don't mind though, reminds me of Washington. Also, being 8 months pregnant makes it very unpleasant when the sun IS shining and it's 85 degrees out. With no AC. Thankfully, our house really doesn't even need AC, there are trees all around, it is well insulated, and the windows are strategically placed in a way that they let the light in without letting too much heat in. It stays nice and cool in here. But we have no AC in our car at the moment, so bring on the rain. And now I'm babbling.

I haven't posted since before we moved, so here are some highlights of this month:

~We found a duplex, and moved in at the end of May. It is a wonderful house, I am so thankful for it.

~Scott went to Korea for about 10 days the week after we moved. I definitely did not enjoy my first taste of separation after marriage. We were hardly even able to talk on the phone for even 3 minutes at a time. But, we got through it, and now I have an idea of what it'll be like when he gets deployed. *gulp*.

~We celebrated our first anniversary this weekend, on June 25th. Scott took me to this really expensive restaurant...the food was wonderful. (It better have been for that price. :P)

~Mom sent me a book by Watchman Nee called "The Normal Christian Life." I've been slowly reading it, trying to digest everything. It's an excellent book, it's clearing up a lot of confusion I've had before when it comes to my own walk with Christ.

~I am now done with Dr. appointments at the clinic on Eielson, I will now be going to the actual hospital where I will be giving birth. And I only have about three more appointments, every other week, before the baby gets here (Lord willing.) Oh, I hope he comes soon. I am really running out of room in there. I can't breathe anymore. And I can't get comfortable at night, so I don't get good sleep either. (Like I will ever get good sleep again for the next 20 years or so.)

~This next weekend, we are planning on taking a camping trip out to this remote area in Alaska called Chicken. Why? When we discovered there was a little town (population: 17) in Alaska called Chicken, Scott decided we could not move away from Alaska without having been there. So we figured we'd just knock that trip out over the Fourth of July weekend. Which is fine, fireworks out here are rather lame. On the Fourth, the sun is out all night long, and it's not very interesting lighting fireworks that you can't even really see because it's too light out. And on New Year's, it is WAY too cold to stand outside for very long at all, so fireworks aren't very fun then, either. Guess we'll have to wait until the next place we PCS.

~I'm slowly figuring my camera out. I really enjoy it. So I'm posting some pictures below of some recent ones I took. Feedback, anyone?

Pretty little flowers I found out near Beaver Lake

I really like all the birch trees in AK

My wedding rings
And a baby bump picture. This is me at 31 weeks pregnant. Guess it's somewhat outdated as I am now almost 35 weeks along. Ah well, perhaps more to come later, and I'm not really much bigger now than I was in this picture.  

And that's about it for now. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pictures Erin! I love them all! I'm glad you are doing well! Love and miss you!
