Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blessing of house work

I am blessed with the ability to be a mom and housewife. I don't need to work outside the home. I can focus on family and home and bringing in income can take a very second role to that. I must remind myself of this often. It is a blessing when the sink is full, the laundry needs to be done, the floors need swept (and mopped!), the carpets need vacuumed and toys are strewn everywhere. Our house is LIVED in. Our house is where we show our love. Where dishes get ignored for dancing with a silly girl. Where those same dishes get done late by a loving husband who lets his wife rest. Where Daisy and I do laundry together even though it takes longer with her help.

Yes it's work to keep up with it all. Yes I often feel a step behind. But these are the moments and days that add up to life. We wouldn't be living if there wasn't house work.

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