Thursday, November 18, 2010

My mind is just about exploding with things I need or want to accomplish this week and next. It's got me in a very excitable state of mind. On the list of things I need to do:

~Organize all the closets (Ha, and good luck to me with keeping them that way...)
~Post an advertisement for the entertainment center and little tv we don't use anymore
~Organize the spare room
~Research some books for one of my students, she's going to finish her first theory book in a couple weeks
~Come up with a sort of lesson plan for the rest of the girls
~Go through all our papers that are threatening to overflow a drawer and get rid of those we don't need
~Come up with some sort of meal plan (what a novel concept! Planning meals a week ahead of time!)
~Start writing the budget
~Gather recipes for Thanksgiving...NEXT WEEK! AHH!
~Go grocery shopping for said recipes
~Vacuum, sweep, mop all the floors
~Disinfect the counters
~Prepare kitchen for lots of cooking
~Drop books off at the library
~Pick up a package at the post office
~Lose 10 pounds
~Write letters to my grandparents
~Start gathering materials for Christmas gifts
~Start gathering Christmas cards and addresses
~Collect my scattered brain
~Call my grandparents
~Do the laundry
~And... I think that's it. For now.

Things I WANT to do:

~Decorate for Thanksgiving
~Pull out my sewing machine and make a table runner for Thanksgiving dinner
~Decorate for Christmas!
~Make a CHRISTMAS table runner
~Make a cute little fabric snowman
~Go shopping at Value Village for Christmas decorations (Got our first Christmas ornaments there - $.99)
~Learn how to crochet
~Get together with a friend
~Go ice skating
~Play piano
~Go rock climbing
~Get a second job (I think. I'm not sure if I actually WANT to do this, or if I'm just crazy.)
~Pay off the car
~Save up for a Virginia/Washington trip (tickets from Alaska are EXPENSIVE.)
~Get a couch and maybe a loveseat
~Buy a dining room table with chairs (We currently have two normal chairs, and some camping chairs)
~Get a mop
~Hmm. I'm thinking too much about material possessions now. Oops.
~Speaking of material...I'd like some of that, too. I'm eager to try out my sewing machine after it moved from Virginia to Washington to Alaska.
~Learn how to play the cello (just learned how to tune it, and I can play a C scale on it. I suppose that's a start...)
~Have muscles
~Practice bargaining at garage sales with all the recent Dave Ramsey techniques we just learned
~Now my mind is getting up to the realm of the very improbable for at least 6 months if not more (see the furniture I started listing. Oh. And the muscles.), I suppose I'd better quit now. :) 

Also, I'd like to be a fabulous cook. I'm not really there yet either. But my husband isn't starving and he seems to enjoy what I make, so I'm doing alright. And as you can see, the neurons in my brain are firing at the speed of light so this post is very...OH! I'd also like to go horseback riding. On the beach. With Scott. Someday. And someday I'd love to have a Canon T2i and be an amazing photographer and actually make money off of it. Or play in a symphony as the pianist. Also, I'd like to be very humble and selfless and generous with all the money I make with photography and piano. Ok, this is getting to be a waste of YOUR brain cells, I really will stop now. I promise. In two seconds.

And now I definitely need the reminder of...
ALL things for His glory,

1 comment:

  1. Just another reminder of why I love you, Erin. Missing you!! Glad to see you're so happy and content where God has planted you. Congratulations on your baby and know that you and Scott will be GREAT parents.... and you've got parents on both sides, and lots of friends, who will be good sources of knowledge and wisdom.
