Friday, November 12, 2010

Just Getting Started....

I cannot throw myself headfirst into starting something as big (to me) as a blog without first giving some sort of introduction. Perhaps when this project is well underway, this first post will be forgotten, and anyone who may stumble upon this blog in the future will see so many posts that they will not need an introduction. That is the hope, anyway. Without further ado, here is our beginning.

My sister-in-law and I decided to start this together. We are both married to two handsome men by the last name of Mathews, and since we are a military family, we are often separated - and very far apart. Currently, my husband and I are living in interior Alaska, while she and her husband are living in Hawaii. My parents live in Virginia and my husband's parents live in Washington. As you can see, we are all spread miles apart. This is one of the main reasons I wanted to start a blog, so we can keep up with each other. Also, I like to talk. And it's nice to be able to get things out. I'm not sure if these are the same reasons Jessie wanted to start this, but I'm sure she will give her reasons in her next post.

I intend to post pretty much anything that comes to mind. I am a newlywed, married four and a half months, and am learning a lot about God and loving my husband, so there will most likely be a lot of thoughts on that. Jessie is also still fairly recently married (a few years now I think... but I'll let her tell you), has one daughter and another baby on the way. So there will probably be quite a few posts on homemaking, parenting, and marriage from her.


I do intend to post on lots of topics. But as Erin said they will center around home life. This home is my center of focus right now so I will write about what I know. I have been married for two and a half years. I have a beautiful 22 month of girl and another little one on the way in January. In all this I am learning more and more about God and His plan for His people.

God has blessed my family with the ability to stay home. I get to fill my days with cleaning, cooking, and most importantly the daily in and out of training up my child. I will try not to bore you with my child's antics or the new ways I'm always finding to organize my house. I hope you find my posts to be at least entertaining and at best meaningful.

This is us, Jessie and Erin. Come along an join us in our great adventure of being married to Mathews.


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